Our Services

PTO provides fully automated cleaning of the ISO tank as per set standards. The facility offers drive-through cleaning bays. One of the bays is dedicated to foodstuff, offering interior steam and regular cleaning as well as exterior cleaning.

Realizing the need for rapid repairing of equipment, we make sure that we put extra effort into fixing your requirements timely. Our expert technicians provide a range of major and minor repairs with structural and tank exterior repairs as well as changing seals and gaskets.

Testing & Inspection
PTO inspectors are trained in all aspects of handling ISO tanks whether the efforts require going the extra mile with the safety facility or ensuring cargo integrity at its finest. PTO makes sure to deliver nothing but high-standard services to its customers.

Handling & Storage
Our expertise includes handling and storage tank containers. PTO has a storage capacity of 500 teus at any given time.

Gas Tank Container
These are delicate tanks used for the carriage of cryogenic cargoes e.g. LNG at very low temperatures. Period inspection carried out under the supervision of a competent approving authority.